About Richard Meagher

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So far Richard Meagher has created 18 blog entries.

Message from the President – Fall ’23

President’s Letter – Fall 2023

Greetings, Southampton Family!

What a terrific summer around our terrific recreational campus, right? If you’d have told me a few years ago how much satisfaction I’d get from just leaning over the sun deck railing overlooking the SRA pools and watching hundreds of adults and kids goof off, seemingly without a care in the world, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have believed you. Yet exactly that became one my favorite summertime pastimes – watching you have fun at Richmond’s best rec club (just before cannonballing down the slide to join you, of course.) And the word is definitely out across Richmond – with over 550 returning member “units” (families, couples and singles) plus 120 new member units, SRA is very nearly as full in 2023 as we’ve ever been and more folks are reaching out all the time to learn about how they can join the fun, too.

It’s been a lot of fun serving as president this year alongside a dedicated and dynamic group of fellow board members who are all crazy committed to the long-term health, vibrancy, and culture of this unique club of ours. You’ve heard it before, and it bears frequent repetition: SRA is a volunteer-led organization. That means it depends on individuals, couples and families showing up not just for the fun, but also for the periodic work of stewarding this amazing asset into the future. I often think about the hundreds of board members before us over the past 75 years and how each one of them linked arms to lead us to the place we are today. And now we’re all — including you! — setting future SRA generations up for untold hours of fun, day by day.

Just this past year we laid new patios, new Pickleball courts, new sidewalks, and new viewing terraces. We added small amenities like air-conditioned bathrooms, an outdoor ice dispenser, and freshly paved parking. And we brought back an old tradition of summer’s end parties on the lawn, started new holiday traditions, and — let’s not forget — our legion of amazing swimmers brought back the hardware from both Champs and the regular season! Again!

Even better, the fun doesn’t end just because the pool gates have been locked up for the next few months – ice skating season is just around the corner, and the cooler months are the perfect time to hit the courts and work on your tennis or pickleball game. There’s always fun to be had around Southampton – be sure to check the schedules on our website to see what’s coming up next!

The best news? Even better stuff awaits SRA! Pool improvements, tennis facility updates, ice rink renovations – it’s all on the drawing board and up for discussion as we set long range visions and goals. It’s a great era to be at Southampton, and a great time to sign on to help. We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to find a way to get more plugged in, serving on a committee of interest to you, sharing ideas on improvements you’d like to see, and helping Southampton continue to be the best rec club in Richmond. Email or call the office any time or reach out to any Board member and let us know how you’d like to get more involved; we’ve probably got the perfect opportunity for you.

Thank you for letting me serve this year and thanks to our amazing board and staff for making the magic happen across every corner of campus. I’ll see you at Southampton soon!

Shannon Harton

SRA President (on behalf of your SRA Board)

Swordfish Cafe – Summer ’23

Hello from the Swordfish Café! We are excited to see you around the pool this summer! We have a great new crew of employees starting and many familiar faces from last year who are looking forward to happy days in the SB (as we call the Snack Bar).

Summer Hours and Offerings: We will post our summer hours and specials at the Snack Bar windows and on the SRA Facebook page. Please note, we do close if there is inclement weather.

Swim Team Support in May: We will begin our service when swim team begins practice so don’t be shy and come on over and visit! We will have meals, smoothies and ice cream from the start since we know how those May days can be busy with nothing in the fridge – we’ve got you covered! Feel free to come put money on your account during those first few weeks of the year as well.

Opening Weekend: We will be running TWO windows Memorial Day Weekend as that is a very busy time of year and members are populating their accounts and getting acclimated to the menu. We do try our best to design a system where you don’t have to wait in long lines. Please look for signage those days to divide and conquer the wait time!

Ongoing Yums: Once the pool is open, we will have lunch and dinner options and tasty snacks. We will offer 20+ different kinds of beverages, our ice cream selections from Hershey’s, Island Way Sorbet, chips and guacamole or salsa, apples and Nutella or peanut butter, candy and candy bars (try a frozen York Peppermint Patty on a hot day — for $0.25 it is very refreshing!). We will have some new soft pretzel varieties along with quesadillas, BLTs, grilled cheese, pasta, chicken strips, corn dogs, and hotdogs. If you haven’t tried a Superman Salad, then 2023 is the year! They are very healthy and filling. They are custom with a selection of greens, veggies, cheeses, nuts, and salad dressings.

Friday Family Night Grill and Entertainment: We plan to return to our tradition of cookouts on many Friday nights, weather permitting. Stop by after swimming or one of the tennis clinics and have a delicious dinner while you relax to music or other planned activities. We will be featuring again our specialty burgers (including an Impossible burger option) hot off the grill, which include: cheese (several varieties), lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, onions (grilled or raw) ketchup/mustard/BBQ/Mayo, jalapenos, pineapple (grilled or not), sautéed mushrooms. Depending on the week we may also have bratwurst or chicken sausage, grilled Chicken sandwiches or Grilled Chicken Caesar Salads.

Deposits and Accounts: As usual, we will have accounts that will be populated with any residual balance you may have had at the end of last summer. When you add a deposit to your account, you will receive a receipt/copy from our new deposit book. Please help us remember if we are busy and it is overlooked. Each deposit should be recorded in our receipt book and signed by a snack bar employee and the customer before it is entered into the computer system. This helps us and you keep accurate records! We do take checks (made out to SRA) to populate the accounts as well. You can also bring them to the office before the pool opens to stock up your account for Day 1.

PLEASE, please talk to the kiddos about using their OWN accounts only. Our kids at the window do get to know our customers but we do depend on the honesty and integrity of our clients to tell us their own name. Please be prepared to spell it as well, and check your balance regularly. We do not allow negative balances.

Tip o’ the Cap: Our employees greatly appreciate tips! Please consider tipping in the cash jar or when making a credit card payment. Our pay structure is planned in such a way, that your recognition of their service is a significant part of their incentive for providing excellent customer service.

See you around the pool VERY SOON!
Your friends at the Snack Bar

Summer Office Hours

Summer Office Hours

Office Hours & Registration

The (immensely capable!) Stephanie Moore will be running the SRA office again this year.

May office hours are the perfect time to pay dues if you have not already done so, and/or to register for activities. Sign the kids up for swim team; sign yourself up for early morning lap swim; buy and/or pick up guest passes; RSVP for all of our fun summer events. Camps and classes are first-come, first-served, so register early.

May Office Hours:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

June-July Office Hours:

  • Monday thru Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

August Office Hours:

  • Posted Weekly



[email protected]


Message from the President – Spring ’23

President’s Letter – Spring 2023

Greetings, friends, and neighbors! It’s a huge pleasure to serve on your SRA Board of Directors and especially an honor to serve as its President this year, working with a team of Board members who truly love SRA and everything is stands for. This is SUCH a special place and I know we all see ourselves as stewards of a long tradition of family fun in a safe setting that will stretch far into the future. Thank you for your part in it, as well – every member and family is a key part of our success. And I’ve got good news:

Summer is coming!

I don’t know about you, but March always feels like the cruelest month – I’m tired of the cold, tired of grey, and so ready for green grass and blue swimming pools that I can hardly stand it! Fortunately, we’ve finally turned the seasonal page and warm weather is in sight – but among the many things I’ve learned as a member of your SRA Board is that there’s really no such thing as “off season” around here. I’m no ice skater myself – my feet are apparently not put together right for that – but I’ve been AMAZED at how vibrant Southampton’s ice vibe is all winter! We owe a huge thanks, again, to our whole team of leaders, coaches and volunteers who make hockey clinics, skating lessons, free ice time and a truly spectacular season-ending show such an amazing part of SRA life. (And, I have to say, I’ve discovered a new simple pleasure in life: an hour of solitude in a silent ice rink on three or four early mornings each week in December as we take turns hosing it down to build up fresh ice for the season. If you haven’t ever tried it, you should!) Nevertheless, ice season is swiftly turning to pool season. But first:

Mulch is coming!

That means it’s part of my job to not let you forget that SRA is primarily a volunteer-led and -operated club and we depend heavily on your strong backs, creative minds and consistent commitment to keep the wheels on. Among other things, that means pitching in to shake off the above-mentioned winter blahs that settle across campus and shine the place up for another season of outdoor fun. So please join us for the SRA Volunteer Workday on Saturday, April 29th. In addition to spreading veritable mountain ranges of playground and landscaping mulch, there’s trimming, painting, power washing, weeding, and more fun to be had with your fellow members on what’s always a fun Saturday around campus. And you know what they say about many hands and light work – please do come and join in so we can check off the whole list of to-dos together! If you cannot make it (or even if you can) and have some spare time between now and May, please select a task from our sign-up list and take care of it on your own time.

And in the meantime, the approach of pool season means:

The Swordfish are coming!

Coming off one of the most successful swim seasons in years (which is really saying something, considering that SRA is widely known throughout the land as the perennial swimming powerhouse), our Swordfish are already off to a great start with their sold-out preseason swim clinic at the SwimRVA pools. Then registration for the swim season opened up on April 1 and the first of six meets is rushing our way on June 6. Go Fish!

At the same time, we’re excited to rollout enhancements to our Summer Camp schedule that will keep our younger members engaged in our clubhouse and beyond in various arts-and-crafts, games and kid-oriented fun. Watch for details coming soon!

Elsewhere on campus, members and friends are enjoying recent improvements in our racquet sport facilities, including new Pickleball lines on the basketball court and last Summer’s new viewing terraces at the upper tennis courts (with profuse thanks to our partners at Trinity Episcopal School for their support). The Pickleball court has been such a hit that consideration is already being given to re-lining a couple of lower tennis courts for more Pickle-play. Let us know what you think, and be on the lookout for schedules of tennis camps and lessons from our amazing staff of pros!

Among other capital investments around SRA, you’re sure to notice our newly paved and striped parking lot, a new parking area more convenient to the upper courts which you’ll access by way of a newly-reconstructed bridge over the creek, newly air conditioned pool bathrooms (along with other improvements to those facilities we know you’ll enjoy) and new picnic benches scattered around campus.

To conclude, and knowing what a friendly bunch of people we are, I want to make sure you know that …

New members are coming!

Of course, every year we enjoy at least a small influx of new faces but I want to ask you to put a special effort into extending a special welcome to any unfamiliar faces you see–they might be old members you just haven’t met yet, or new folks hoping to make new friends for themselves and their family. Your friendly smile and warm introduction will be the best way to bring them into our community. Membership renewal has been again been a huge success with over 60% of our members taking advantage of the early bird deadline. More will renew prior to swim season, and we’ll likely be able to offer new membership to most of the folks who have expressed interest in joining us. If this year is like the last, though, we’ll probably have to start running a waiting list early in the summer to make sure we don’t exceed our capacity & overstress our facilities, so don’t wait too long to renew. The word is out about how great SRA’s culture and facilities are, and you don’t want to miss out!

On behalf of the entire SRA Board, thank you again for your continued support of our club. Have a great spring season and I look forward to seeing you out on the pool deck!

Shannon Harton
SRA President (on behalf of your SRA Board)

News from the Swordfish Cafe

We are so grateful for your support this last summer – it was a busy one! We thought you might be interested in some of the sales data:

Number 1 Seller: Airheads (2874)
(Were you surprised? No…. We weren’t either! :)
Number 2: Mighty Mini Ice cream Sandwiches (1374)
Number 3: Pretzels (1200)
Number 4: Moosetracks (1077)

Thank you for your support of our two new menu items this year! Smoothies would have come in at #2 if we added the flavors together with 1484 total sold; and we sold 336 paninis which was a great surprise since we only had them on weekends.

We are always happy when the healthy items are selling – we set a record for apples this year (485) and Superman Salads (329).

We had 19 great kids working in the Snack bar managing other athletic and school schedules and I hope you can see their camaraderie – they really are a happy bunch. We LOVED all the artwork that came our way this summer; hopefully you saw some of it displayed on the fridges.

We are not sure if we are going to be adding to our team next year since the vast majority of our kids are returning. Still, if you are interested, please email [email protected]. Employees MUST be 14 by the middle of May and a member of SRA. We have given preference in the past to families who volunteer in some capacity at SRA. We do have a little more opportunity for kids not on the swim team as that opens up a lot of work hours.

Thanks again and see you soon!
Your friends at the Snackbar

Holiday Wreaths!

Support the Ice Rink while celebrating the holiday season! 

Please support SRA Ice Skating with a festive holiday wreath! This is a great way to get or give your holiday wreaths, while supporting our unique ice program. Gift a wreath to family, friends, church groups, other sports teammates, teachers, neighbors, etc., or just keep them for yourself! These are beautiful, fresh 22” wreaths that make perfect gifts for all!

Forms will be available at all skaing events; or you can just bring a check made out to SRA with ‘wreath’ in the memo. Wreaths will arrive to the clubhouse during the first week of December.

Ice Lessons-Clinics

Lessons and Clinics (all times subject to change)

Skating lessons are an important component of our ice program. Children as young as three years of age can safely learn how to skate, fall and stop on the ice. Please sign up early to secure your skater a spot and to ensure that the class you are interested in is not cancelled. 

For kids of all ages interested in hockey, we will again be offering our very popular hockey clinic on Sundays. We will be evaluating this years crop of young SRA hockey enthusiasts with potential for additional scrimmages/gametime, more to come on an interest meeting following signups.

Saturday Classes:

November 12, 19; December 3, 10, 17; January 7, 14, 21, 28; make-up date February 4 (if classes cancelled due to weather/instructor illness)

Sunday Classes/Clinics:

November 13, 20; December 4, 11; January 8, 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12

  • Tots: Saturdays, 9-9:25am, $80
    Skills – sit, stand-up, march in place, march forward, march and glide on two feet. This class is perfect for preschoolers (age 3-5). Students are strongly encouraged to wear gloves, bike helmets, and snow pants.
  • Pre-Alpha: Saturdays, 9:30-10am, $80
    Skills – one and two-foot glides, backwards wiggles, forward and backward swizzles, forward stroking, forward crossovers, bunny hop, snowplow stop. This class is for skaters 5+ who are new to skating. The class will cover basic skating skills. Students may wear helmets and ski pants for comfort and protection.
  • Alpha: Saturdays, 10:15-10:45am, $80
    Skills – one and two-foot glides, backward wiggles, forward stroking and crossovers, bunny hop, snow plow and T-stops, letter D’s and pump stroking. This class is designed for skaters with some experience who need to review and solidify their beginner skills before moving on to the next level. Students may wear helmets or ski pants for comfort and protection.
  • Beta: Saturdays, 11-11:30am, $80
    Skills – forward and backward stroking, crossovers and swizzle pumps on a circle, forward edges, open Mohawk, T-stops, and moving 2-foot turns on a curve. This class builds on solid beginner skating skills. These skaters will be introduced to more advanced and challenging moves.
  • Gamma/Delta: Saturdays, 11:45am-12:30pm, $90
    Skills – forward 3-turn inside, forward and backward inside and outside edges, shoot the duck, forward inside pivot, one and two-foot spins, spiral, waltz jump, ballet jump, lunge, forward spiral. This class builds upon solid intermediate skating skills. This class will challenge experienced skaters to higher levels of skill and form in their skating.
  • Freestyle: Saturdays, 12:45-1:30pm, $100
    Skills – 1-foot spin, forward and backward spirals, lunges, forward and backward crossovers, forward and backward edges, 3-turns, waltz jumps, ½ jumps, dance sequences and combination moves.
  • Beginner Teen and Adult: Date/time T.B.D, $100
    Been on swim team all these years and never tried the rink – and now you’re too old to join the tots for beginner lessons? Or maybe you’re a parent who’s tired of standing on the sidelines and wants in on the action? This class is for you. This “grown-up” class will teach you the basic skating skills that will allow you to comfortably and confidently participate with your children on the ice. Take on a new challenge this winter, get some exercise and have fun doing it in this adult only learning opportunity. (Bike helmets and kneepads are encouraged until you are comfortable and secure with your balance and skill on the ice.)
  • Hockey Clinic: Sundays (continuing into March), $100
    Level 1: 2-3pm; Level 2: 2:30-3:30pm

    This is a Foundations of Hockey program for boys and girls of all ages that want to learn to skate, stick handle, and learn the rules of hockey. We plan to separate into groups based upon skill level with some overlap to allow opportunities for scrimmaging. As we progress through the season we hope to introduce more competition this year and will meet with interested parents to discuss ideas. We strive to keep our clinic costs low each year because we recognize that there are additional equipment purchases necessary to participate (i.e. helmet, pads, stick, tape, etc.). Be sure to come to the Skate Swap first for equipment and drop off your outgrown equipment for other members!!


SAVE THE DATES – 2023 Swim Meets

2023 Save the Dates!

Stay tuned for an usual fall spirit night and look for information
about our Spring Swim Clinic and next year’s team registration.
Swim practice will begin in May ‘23 as usual!

Please mark your calendar with our 2023 meet schedule as follows:
  • Sunday, June 11
  • Monday, June 19
  • Monday, June 26
  • Monday, July 3
  • Monday, July 10
  • Monday, July 17
  • Championship Meet: Wednesday, July 26

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